Friday, January 18, 2013

40 Day Challenge

Tomorrow I start the Long Beach 40-day weight challenge. One co-worker talked me into it but she clearly doesn't need to go. It's just another way to keep myself honest about weight loss.

It was a pretty good day so far food wise. I probably should have eaten more along the way but meetings got in the way. It's definitely time to go to the gym and maybe hit that reflexology place.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CD 14, another high

Another long night at the office, no trip to the gym. In the past four days I went to yoga once and the gym once. It sucks and I've got to make a change. I can't wait to get back there. I really need to add in the strength training, especially after gaining a half-pound in the past week. Ugh. I eat well, I exercise and I continue to gain weight? No wonder I can't get pregnant.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

5 days and I gain half a pound?

Cycle 20, CD13 - Ok, I know I'm not perfect. I let my husband take me to chili's on Friday night to celebrate his raise and I got the lightest thing I could find on the menu. I also had some chips and guac. And I did that again on Saturday night. But I've truly been cutting back, not eating fast food, etc. And going to the gym on a very regular basis. (I only missed Saturday and Sunday but I went to yoga on Sunday.) So what happened? How did I GAIN a half pound in five days. I thought you were supposed to drop lbs more easily at the beginning. It's very disheartening and I almost cried about it this morning.

Another high on the CBEFM. I wonder if I'll ovulate a little later this month without the injectibles.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Cycle 20 - CD12

I'm working way too many hours on this project. It needs to be over now.

Yesterday, I refused to come in first thing and I went to yoga. Saturday, I refused to come in first thing and I went to my new acupuncturist. Both were awesome, though I never made it to the gym either day. I didn't leave the office until 10:30PM last night. Ugh.

Today is my second high day on the CBEFM. Hoping for that egg drop in a couple days.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A good night's sleep

They say that part of improving your fertility is reducing stress and sleeping better. ("They" always means "A Team of Leading Scientists" by the way.) I certainly have not been succeeding on either front this week. I stayed at work much too long the last two nights and I had a bit of insomnia last night. Maybe going to the gym at 10:45PM isn't the best idea, but I couldn't let my streak die. Today should break my gym streak with nine days in a row. If I don't fall asleep first. It's so hard to work crazy hours AND not let yourself indulge in the caffeine. My half-cup of coffee is almost gone and I don't think I remembered to bring more tea from home.

It's CD 6 today, almost time to start using the CBEFM each morning.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Today was my seventh day in the row at the gym and yesterday I managed to go to the Beginner's Basic yoga class at FreeSpirit Yoga. I think my pregnant friend liked the class but I think the Sunday class is better. Unfortunately, I'm at work instead of able to go to class. Maybe next weekend.

I've been working really hard at weaning myself off wheat, dairy, soy, coffee, caffeine, and artificial sweetener. I refuse to let food go to waste though. I will finish off the English Muffins and the yogurt.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Trying acupuncture again

I made an appointment with another practitioner of acupuncture (because I don't know if acupuncturist is a word) for next Saturday. I'm hoping they can look at me as a person instead of a dollar sign. I also let the RE's office know that we will not be continuing with IUI.

Right now, I'm still not off the coffee, caffeine, dairy, wheat, soy, but I'm working on cleaning out my refrigerator of those items. If I bought it for me, I'm going to eat it. I had some "fast" food today too but I think Flamebroiler is about as clean and whole as fast food can be.

My husband said we'd talk about the next step last night but it didn't happen. I think we're on the same page right now. We've got to get healthy and down to our fighting weight before we waste any more money. And I'd love to see our debt go down. It's not fair to our future child to burden them with our debts.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

And Cycle 20 begins . . .

Tough morning. My horrendous cramps woke me up a little after 5AM so I staggered out of bed and swallowed a handful of ibuprofen. The tears came shortly thereafter and woke up my husband who accused me of needing Nyquil. "I don't have a cold; I'm crying," I stammered. "Oh" was his only response but he threw an arm across me in consolation.

I knew this was coming. We've wasted over $6,000 for nothing now. That's the rest of the 401K loan and half a Roth IRA contribution. It's clearly time to get serious about this diet and exercise thing. And call up my co-worker's acupuncture place since the months I spent at acupuncture didn't do anything.

I wish my doctor would be willing to look more closely at me. I feel like there's some weird hormone problem or maybe a simple hormone problem. I've got visits with my OB/GYN and my GP coming up so maybe I can talk to them with a more level head. Today is not the day to talk to anybody since I can't stop crying.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2 - Cycle 20 on its way

And so, the first full calendar year of being "infertile" has begun. Twelve months ago, we weren't infertile yet, just unlucky. In 2012 we had all the tests and two inseminations, but no luck. Now it's time to get serious.

It feels like Cycle 20 is going to start in the next day or two.  I have mild cramps and I'm ready to accept that this IUI didn't work either. What a waste of $3,000. We could be completely done with one of our debts if we'd used that money differently. Of course, that's probably the wrong way to think about it but it's all I've got right now.

In order to be serious about getting pregnant, I'm going to start writing daily as well as make drastic changes to my diet and fitness routine. I refuse to try any more expensive, invasive procedures until my husband and I are as fit and healthy as possible.